Thursday, May 02, 2013

WE and GOOD BYE...

I bid adieu… Good bye.
An end or good bye to our relationship, to our dreams, to our aspirations, because this ending is not a happy ending, it is not an ending which we crave for…

We all want a happy ending… We all want this ending which they say is near to impossible… But happiness is not impossible to get… Happiness is always there even in the small and tiny things… But why do we say, a happy ending is impossible, a happy ending is unattainable?

End… It means something ended to start something new… But an unhappy ending doesn't mean an unhappy start… We should be bold enough to thank those good byes because it is in our hand to get that happiness, those dreams, because it is our own life!
Yes, you might say, I didn't launch my dreams to have a dejected end! I worked hard but my failures are more than my successes. I do not deserve that! 
Yes, you deserve the best. You deserve the happy ending that you dreamt of! We all deserve that! We all are worthy for that!

But ending doesn't always mean failure. Does it? An end may occur because of the circumstances, we may have to bid adieu because sometimes we just have to let it be…
We leave school for college, college for work, even our abode, but there are always plenty of opportunities waiting for us, ample chances for our dreams to be accomplished. Yes, we leave behind our friends, but we do make new friends.  The moments stay forever even though the time never comes back…
Even a relationship ends, because we do not have the heart or mind for the disappointments it offered.

I bid good bye to my sad ending,
To welcome my new start.
To be present to make my mistakes right,
To be there to aim until I grasp.
So that I enjoy my life.

I bid good bye to my failure.
To embrace it as my success.
To aim my dreams high.
To be there to love myself.
To an encouraging life.

I bid good bye to my wants
To make u a person of my dreams but
To accept u as who you are
To be the person I wanted to be.
To be there to hold your hand.

I greet my life with confidence
To lead with optimism.
To be present in every situation
Whether it is sad or happy, miserable or blissful.
I bid adieu to the pessimistic attitude to enjoy my life…

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