Thursday, June 20, 2013

WE and ALONE!!

Own life. Living on my / your own. Being the master of my / your own actions.

Sometime or the other we all want that... We all want to be alone where we and only we are the masters.

‘I like to stay alone.’

Yes, this is one of the dreams that we dream. We like to stay alone not for always but for some time in our life.

I wanted to stay alone meaning away from home. Away from my parent’s protective eyes. At first I wanted to see whether I can live on my own, in a different city, whether I can protect myself and sustain myself. But now, I want to live alone, because, living alone has its own magic. We learn to work on our own, we become independent, and we become disciplined.

In our future place, we have rules. Rules of being alone! Some say rules are made to be broken. But in my heart I don’t want these rules to be broken, however golden the rebel opportunities are... I want the rules to stay... You are stunned to read this, but think, rules are there to make us independent, disciplined individuals. Self-reliance is the key to success.

Coming back to ‘alone’. Yes, this word is strong in every sense. Some say alone means there is no one to go to, no friends, no fun life, etc, etc. And some say alone is all about being for your own self, dreaming for yourself, living for yourself. And yes, thinking like this, everything is right about this, it makes me confident!

Alone! Hostel Life! When I think about it, I am scared, I start crying, I get emotional! I dread being alone!

But, why should I be emotional? Why should I dread?

Being here with my family was a usual life.
And then this life will be a routine life.
After settling down, that would be my regular life.
I shout it to myself knowing my heart won’t understand.
I think about my family.
My dreams say family is with you always.
I wonder whether I will make moments for them!
Thoughts say love will always make time.

Being in a known city.
Knowing an unknown city.
Looking back to my life.
Searching my life ahead!

Leaving behind the warmth.
Accepting the new care.
In love with retrospect’s.
Understanding the prospects.

It’s like magic.
Being free. Being able.
It’s like moving forward.
Being known. Being recognized.

Being alone has its perks, but I won’t let it bog me down. Being alone is my new routine life.

At first it might not be in the way we want, but in time it will be. If our choice is being alone, we should work on that, live our life, achieve our dreams. Family is always there. We are always there.

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